[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Rollbase User Login

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Santosh Patel

There is absolutely a way to do this. You will need to configure custom login pages to do this and then use the 'o' form parameter to pass in the landing page details that you want. Check the details on how to configure such a page here documentation.progress.com/.../index.html Your different environment's login pages can have the 'o' parameter point to different application pages. Note that you will have to urlencode the value for the 'o' parameter. See example below. This is a sample resultant url for simplification. You should actually be creating an html form with all the parameters mentioned in the doc link. www.rollbase.com/.../Router Use an online encoder for a one time job www.w3schools.com/.../ref_urlencode.asp Actual content of 'o' parameter was m/main.jsp?pageId=255454608&appId=255454407&tabId=255454682 which marks my landing app, tab and page. This can be any valid page in Rollbase. Let us know how it goes.

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