Windows XP Search Registry Fix

Hi All,

This is a bit old now, but had to do it for some workmates recently and had to go back through all the info i coudl find on the net on how to fix this so thought I would post for easy access for those with the issue.

Windows Search does not search inside .i, .p or .w files.

Create a xxxxx.reg file and put this into it:



Now double click the file and the information will be entered into you registry and you will then be able to search inside Progress source files using the standard Windows Search.

Hope this is helpful,

Casper Moderator
Staff member

This VB script is one I use. It does the same and promps you for extension to add the key value in the registry.
It works for all extentsions.

'Add files to Search for files containing text
'© Doug Knox - 11/04/2001
'This code may be freely distributed/modified
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
Dim WshShell, N, P, P1, P2, ItemType, MyBox, FileType, Title, Prompt, RegKey, X
Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
P1 = "\PersistentHandler\"
N = "{5e941d80-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"
Prompt = "Enter the file extension for the file you wish to add." & vbCR
Prompt = Prompt & "Examples: txt, adm, inf"
Title = "Enter File Type"
FileType = InputBox(Prompt, Title, "")
If FileType = "" Then
 MyBox = MsgBox("You left the box blank.",4096,"Error.")
 Set WshShell = Nothing
'Check to see if there is already a PersistentHandler default value
 RegKey = P & FileType & P1
 X = WshShell.RegRead(RegKey)
End If
'MyBox = MsgBox("The PersistentHandler value for ." & FileType & " is: " & X,4096,"Results")
'Set WshShell = Nothing
If X = N Then
 MyBox = MsgBox("This value already exists, and is correct." & vbCR & "No Changes were made.", 4096, "No Changes")
 Set WshShell = Nothing
End If
If X <> N AND X <> "" Then
 MyBox = MsgBox("The Persistent Handler value already exists and is different." & vbCR & "No changes were made.", 4096, "No Changes")
 Set WshShell = Nothing
End If
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
 WshShell.RegWrite RegKey, N
 MyBox = MsgBox("The Registry has been updated." & vbCR & "Restart your computer.", 4096, "Done")
 Set WshShell = Nothing
End If

Put this code in a file and name it anyname.vbs. Click and enter file extentsions you want to do a search in. (e.g. .w .p .i or .something)

Copernic desktop search (free) is pretty awesome. After the first-time indexing, each search will take a couple of seconds to return all string matches anywhere on your disk you specify. You don't have to wait several minutes like (say) Wingrep.

No wildcard matching though.


New Member
I like to use Agent Ransack. Searches very fast after and in a file. Best feature is the tool shows you the line(s) where it found the string inside the file. Very easy to see this way if you found the right file or not :)



ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
Hi Capser,

thanks that did the trick !

abit off-topic but you can also use windows script host thru 4gl
using com objects support and rewrite it in 4gl

there are lots of examples in the knowledge base