[stackoverflow] [progress Openedge Abl] Tableau Desktop Not Connecting To Db Server On Aws...

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My postgres DB is in AWS instance running windows server 2012. My tableau desktop is in local machine.

While connecting to the DB using external instance IP and default postgres PORT 5432 , it shows error

Unable to connect to the ODBC Data Source.
Check that the necessary drivers are installed and that the connection properties are valid.
Unable to connect to the server "ec2-xx.xx.xx.xx.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com".
Check that the server is running and that you have access privileges to the requested database.

I have made sure that :-

  1. AWS security group is configured for all incoming ports

  2. Windows server 2012 firewall is accepting all inbound traffic.

  3. My local desktop is allowing to send traffic to remote server.And I can telnet hostIP/hostname PORT successfully.

  4. Postgres service is running on 5432 port.

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