???? Radius ?????

Why are there no refferences to the other great Progress product, PECAS Vision by Radius Solutions? QAD have a large section here for the MFG/PRO product though, there is no mention at all of Pecas, and Pecas Vision.
How will windows know to make this a hyperlink to execute in a browser? You CAN NOT use populate a message box with Radius Solutions. PROWIN32 doesn't interact with PECAS that way.


Hello anybody home Mcfly(knock,knock), how about actually answering the question asked, you obv entered in the wrong board.
LOL, another "Back to the future" fan.

I Couldn't help having a little joke with you, my posting is an analogy of your posting in the previous thread of this group (See "previous thread" link).

Couldn't help having a little fun with you. But seriously I'd say the reason for no seperate group is that most of us haven't heard of Radius solutions or PECAS (before today). Perhaps they aren't as Multi-National as QAD and so haven't reached countries outside the USA.

Radius Solutions are NOT US based, the PECAS Vision product comes from sunny Derbyshire, UK. Come on people lets get more PECAS Vision users, and forums.