pretty basic stuff i suppose


New Member
I am a graduate student and have a progress-test next week. However, I encountered some
problems preparing
for this course. I'm sure these are all stupid little things, but since there is no
written course
whatsoever and the progress-help function isn't too obvious, here are my problems. I
sincerely hope someone
can answer (part of) them:
1. How can you create an extra column in a browse (meaning that this column doesn't
represent a database
field) that, whenever a certain value in the browse is empty ("?"), displays a message.
2. When I mark menu-options as being "toggle-box", they can be checked, but they aren't
unchecked when another selection is made. Can this only be solved by adding code?
3. How can I (slightly) widen columns of a browse?
4. When you use the alphabet-control panel to modify the content of a browse, how are you
supposed to create
the link between the control and the browse (using "filter-value").
5. How can I determine which fields should be listed in a Smart Option-panel (sort-by)?

I repeat, I'm an absolute beginner so show some mercy and HELP ME!!!

For anyone who bothers: my eternal thanks ...
Hope your test is on Wed...

1. How can you create an extra column in a browse (meaning that this column doesn't
represent a database field) that, whenever a certain value in the browse is empty ("?"), displays a message.

This is known as a 'calculated value' or a 'calculated field' I don't have my Provision Up now, but I think the 'browse' dialog will refer to it that way. The 'source' of the field in a browse using your scenario (unknown '?' values) would be something like: 'if cust-zip = ? then "NOZIP" else cust-zip'. To see it in context...
def query q1 for Customer.
def browse b1 query q1 display cust-num cust-name if cust-zip = ? then "NOZIP" else cust-zip ... This maybe should be a second-semester topic...

2. When I mark menu-options as being "toggle-box", they can be checked, but they aren't
automatically unchecked when another selection is made. Can this only be solved by adding code?

The GUI concept you're thinking of here, I think is, 'radio buttons', or 'radio-set' (where only one can be 'pushed'). However, it is normal for mulitple toggle-box (check-box) objects to be 'on' at once. But, yes, you _could_ code in for all other boxes to be de-selected when a box is selected. This functionality is 'built-in' with the radio-set.

3. How can I (slightly) widen columns of a browse?

I think Version 8 had fixed widths and V9 will allow run-time resizing?

4. When you use the alphabet-control panel to modify the content of a browse, how are you
supposed to create
the link between the control and the browse (using "filter-value").

I can't help there I'm not sure of the question. Is that alphabet-control maybe for text fonts?

5. How can I determine which fields should be listed in a Smart Option-panel (sort-by)?

I think you only want this in cases where the sort order is different from the default index, like seeing a list in order of 'date' vs. 'amount'. In any case, the objectives of the program/screen will specify the field(s) to use.
