How can I send remote commands to an AppServer programmatically?

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I need to send commands (query, start, stop) to a remote OpenEdge AppServer. This will be running on OpenEdge 11.3.

As far as I can tell, these are the options:

  • OpenEdge Management. This is a webapp that can be accessed over HTTP(S). All that's required is a web browser. Unfortunately, it's designed for interactive use - trying to control it programmatically would be crazy.

  • The asbman command-line utility. This is a batch file that calls into a Java command-line application, and allows management of both local and remote AppServers. While this is pretty much exactly what I need, it comes with a heavy cost: it seems that the only way to use it is to install OE, which is not exactly lightweight at over 500 MB. That includes everything needed to run the AppServers, while I only need to be able to send commands to an already running remote server.

    I should note that this only takes in the password interactively, though that can be worked around (redirecting STDIN is trivial).

    • If I could extract that Java application (, progress.jar), that would be fine. However, it calls into at least one native library (jutil.dll), and they use a custom launcher (jvmStart.exe).

      Trying to launch it through the standard Java launcher (java.exe) results in errors loading the native library (Expecting an absolute path of the library: null\bin\jutil.dll). I'm working on extracting jvmStart.exe too, but there seems to be many dependencies.

      I cannot find any documentation on this.

  • asbman eventually ends up communicating with the AdminServer and possibly AppServers through a protocol Progress apparently calls "Chimera". Unfortunately, I can't seem to find documentation anywhere.

Is there anything I missed? Does anyone know of a method, preferably but not necessarily documented (at this point, as long as it works, ties to the specific OE version is fine for now), to remotely and programmatically send queries and commands to an AppServer without installing the entire suite? I just can't believe no-one ever thought that might be a useful thing to have.

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