Forum Post: RE: AI, BI, DB, SAN and Heresy

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Paul Koufalis

Why is that? I would argue that: a) If it's on a SAN and the SAN is down, you're hosed anyways b) if it's on a SAN and you're "fortunate" enough to have only hosed the DB LUNs, then you better have a written procedure on how to mount the LUNs/file systems holding the AI files on another server (i.e. exportvg/importvg on AIX) c) if it's a physical machine with local drives, you better have easy and immediate access to another server that can take those hot swap drives and mount them to recuperate the live AI files. IMHO, at most sites they would not be able to recover the last, live AI file regardless of it's physical placement OR the time to recuperate it would exceed the maximum down time allowed. They would choose to forego the last -aiarcinterval seconds worth of transactions so that they could concentrate on restoring and rolling forward what they have. IF there's a sysadmin with nothing to do, maybe he can fiddle around trying to recover that last AI file. Finally, I would argue that if losing the last 5 minutes of transactions is the end of the world for your business, then you should be running OE Replication. I'm really getting ornery. Must be my Medula Oblongata acting up again. Paul

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