
  1. N

    3rd party tool to scan the code

    We are using the progress (Open Edge) programming language and running the CI in azure pipelines we are planning to run a scan in sonar cloud, but sonar cloud does not support by the progress language. To run code analysis need 3rd part tool, can you please mention those tools How to use in...
  2. M

    Question how to display browser fields dynamically

    I'm displaying temp-table fields in a browser using free form query. i have 10 fields in my temp table but i want to hide and show some fields based on a condition i have tried this below code on row display of browse trigger , but i'm getting the error as you can see in the picture. DO...
  3. M

    Question How to add fields to a temp table by using its handle (it can be either temp-table:handle or temp-table:default-buffer-handle)

    -this is the method in my class -either i can get temp-table:handle or temp-table:default-buffer-handle -is it possible to create field in both cases if not how do i can approach in other way METHOD PUBLIC VOID loadFilesFromDir(INPUT cipDir AS CHARACTER , INPUT iphbufhandle AS...
  4. JoseKreif

    Answered random() seeded with a specific value on database connection

    Progress OpenEdge 10.2B Platform: Redhat I'm noticing that the random() function seems to be seeded with a set value when you first connect to the database. For example, def var i as int no-undo. do i = 1 to 10: display random(1,100) with no-box 10 down. down. end. Produces...
  5. L

    Question Progress In put parameter Table

    Hello, I want to create a procedure to exploit any Table. As example, i have a TMP_Table : DEFINE TEMP-TABLE TT1 FIELD facnum AS CHARACTER LABEL "Invoice #" FIELD facdat AS DATE LABEL "Date". I fill the TEMP-Table. Then i want to pass it as parameter. RUN \Test.p (INPUT TT1). On...
  6. R P

    Study materials for progress 4gl

    Hi guys I recently joined a company where they use progress 4gl , I was just given a handbook to study and nothing else , It is difficult to understand topics from there , If any of you have any other materials or documents for me to go through it would be of great help to me.
  7. N

    Need to insert field values to a database from a temp-table that I have created from xml file in progress 4gl. How to do that??

    **Below is my samplecode to read data from xml file and write to temp-table "tttemp" and display a child "mainsub" and its sub-child nodes.** DEFINE VARIABLE hDoc AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hroot AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hmainsub AS HANDLE...
  8. V

    Question How to add html tables in progress 4gl

    I created a temp table in Progress4gl and I need to email the data from temp table using html syntax. Which means I need to link all the fields in temp table to html table and email. The fields in temp table are: Part_ID, CustomerPartID, customer Please help.
  9. B

    How to find out if record is locked

    Hello community, by a PHP Application i want to update a dataset inside a Progress-Table, that is working generally. But it is possible to work on the same dataset inside our EPR-System that locks the dataset. Now when i want to update the dataset this i get this error. SQL error...
  10. S

    Update records in Progress DB using SSIS

    Hello, I have a Progress DB as an ODBC source which i export data from to allow transformation and then import into a SQL DB. I would like to import cleansed data back into my Progress DB (update is most important but insert/delete could be useful too) Does anyone have experience of doing...
  11. B


    Hi everyone, While working and developping more and more with progress, something came to me. When I have a huge request on Win's starting the window go on a no responding by windows. So is it possible to run the windows on a thread and all the querry work/calcul/process on another thread ...
  12. B

    Question How to move a window to the top

    Hi guys, I'm working on a multi-window application. This is my scenario: From my main window (we will call it "parent", I run another one (we will call it the "child") with the persistent option. The user can hide the child behind the parent and forget he already launched the child. DO...
  13. Sayanil Datta

    Getting frequent errors from SQL Server 2016 while connecting to progress database using openedge driver

    Getting frequent errors from SQL Server 2016 while connecting to progress database using openedge driver: 1)An error occurred while preparing the query "Select * from XXXX where XXX.XXXXX='XXXXXXX'" for execution against OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "ProgressDB". 2)Cannot execute...
  14. M

    Question Set Statement With Editing Block (mfg/pro)

    I am using QAD-MFG/PRO in .NET windows version. I have a frame in which the fields are array elements. During the code execution, the frame is populated with the current field values in database. Hence, the scrolling function enabled for the these fields will start the scroll from current value...
  15. N

    Question Openedge Software Support

    Hi everyone - I am evaluating different software platforms and I wanted to see how well OpenEdge compares to other offerings in the marketplace. Curious to see how the company has done in terms of investing in the product - do they provide relevant updates to the software as well as support...
  16. H

    Limiting Connections To Progress Database

    Hello, I wonder if anyone can help? I've written a Microsoft SSIS package to export data from two Progress databases (10.2 and 11.3) that connects via an ODBC 11.3 driver to export data into SQL Server. However, the Progress administrator contacted me to let me know that on several occasions...
  17. H

    Limiting Connections To Progress Database

    Hello, I wonder if anyone can help? I've written a Microsoft SSIS package to export data from two Progress databases (10.2 and 11.3) that connects via an ODBC 11.3 driver to export data into SQL Server. However, the Progress administrator contacted me to let me know that on several occasions...
  18. J

    !!! Sx.e Job Opportunity !!! Houston, Tx

    I have a client in Houston that has an immediate need for someone with experience supporting Infor SX Enterprise and Progress databases. Any coding/customization experience is a plus but at this point I want to talk to anyone interested in a fulltime job focused on SX.e with a great company...
  19. D

    Question How To Calculate Distance Between Zip Codes

    Unix v11.3 I am in need of calculating the distance between two zip codes. I have all the zip codes and longitudes / latitudes data. Does anyone have code that does this? I figured I'd check here before starting to dig in.
  20. G

    Question Slow Database In New Server

    Hi, recently we change our databases to a new server but the startup and the queries are extremely slow, even tho the hardware is better than before. We lack knowledge about databases, we manage our clients services and remote connection as well as other services but we do not know about...