binary dump&Load


New Member
I have a problem with my script, then progress 10.1A02 does not support the bulkload of any data yfield with the CLOB datatype.


Binary dump uses the proutil dbname -C dump tablename directory command.

Binary load uses the proutil dbname -C load filename command.

The binary dump creates files named "". Those are what you feed to the binary load.

As for writing your script... that's a bit out of scope. There are, of course, many ways to write such scripts. The core of one fairly simplistic method would be to use a bit of 4gl like this:

output to "".
for each _file no-lock where not _hidden:
  put unformatted
    "proutil dbname -C dump " + _file-name + " /dumpdir"

The generation of the load script is left as an exercise ;)


What do you mean by "all tables together"?

The code that I provided will execute a binary dump on each table. The .bd files (one for each table) will be "all together" in a single directory -- /dumpdir.

The 4gl code writes a script for you. _file-name is the table name. The FOR EACH walks through your database schema and creates a script that contains a proutil command line for each table in your database.