AI files, and rolling forward.


We have two progress databases, one for production and one we use for running reports, this database is READ ONLY. We have been doing a restore of the report database every night from the prod database, but we decided we wanted to try and save time by using the ai log files and rolling forward instead of restoring every night. We tried by stopping the database and applying the ai file and we got an error because of the timestamp on the database (we did apply the correct ai file). This report db had been started and used for read only purposes but nothing had been edited. So we figure that the db timestamp is caused by something and we are not sure what, and if there is anything we can do to get around this? Is there a way to roll forward ai files to a second database that will be used for read only activity, Crystal Reports is used on this database?


Once you open a database you cannot roll-forward against it.

It doesn't matter if you actually change anything or not. The act of starting a server updates the master block and goes through crash recovery so, from after-imaging's point of view, the database has changed and can no longer be used as a roll-forward target.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
In addition to that:
The only way to have a (near) real time Read-only database for reporting purposes is to use OpenEdge Replication Plus. This allows you to make SQL and ABL connections to the replication database.

For more information search for replication plus @psdn

for instance:

Gives some insight in replication.

Needless to say that this isn't free....

