SUSE Enterprise Edition V9 SP3 compatibilty with Progress V9.1x

Hi ,

Kindly let me know if SUSE Linux Enterprise Edition V9 SP3 is compatible with Progress V9.1D or V9.1E . I went through couple of documents on compatibility details and want to double check with the forum if anyone has some inputs on the same. Any relevant documents that I can consult ..



Active Member
I know it's compatible with 10.0B since we have a customer on Suse 9 with that version.

Is there some reason why you wouldn't upgrade to at least 10.0x (if still available) ?
Hi Larry ,
Thank you for replying . As of now the customer is not willing to go for an upgrade , but they have plans for the next year.. So we are currently looking for compatibility check for V9.1x on SUSE 9 SP3 platform.



Well-Known Member
What surprises me is that there are so many customers willing to invest a lot of money into new machines, the latest and greatest OS (probably their bosses are golfing with the big vendor bosses) but are not willing the save their investment into their intellectual property which is in the applications they use. They only see the value in them when they don't have 'em anymore ...

Regards, RealHeavyDude.