Protop Issue - User Table Stats, On Demand

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
I'm trying to use ProTop to see on demand User Table Stat info and I've come across a slight issue. When I hit the space bar, the table in question is briefly popped to the top, but then the screen refreshes and it's gone again. I've made a little video that should help show the issue.
What am I missing?


Flash video?

Is today April 1st?

Setting that aside (since there is no way I can watch it) I'm not sure what you mean by "on demand" but I would think that what you really want to do is to "pause" the display when interesting data is shown. The "p" command does that.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
Sorry about the video format. Still trying to get to grips with my screen capture software!
When I say on demand I mean where you hit S to toggle between auto and on demand sampling and use space to capture a new sample.
So if I use p will it show me all activity between pause points? I want to be able to essentially capture all info for a query run in one screen.


Ok, I see the issue... sorry, I don't use the "on-demand" feature very often and I forgot that is what it is called ;)

Looks like the "space is being double applied, I will need to fix that :(

I think what you want to do can be achieved thusly:

0) Get the screens that you want to monitor visible and set up.

1) Set the interval to a suitably long period with "I".

2) Use "RAW" mode -- "R".

3) Once things are "quiet" pause the screens with "p"...

4) Hit space, you should see zeros.

5) Pause it again.

6) Run your test. (The test should be shorter than the interval set in #1.)

7) Hit space -- this should show your test results.

8) Pause if you'd like to gaze upon your results for a while :)