[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Sitefinity 12.2 MVC- Add functionality to Kendo editor toolbar

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Ryan Kanawyer

Hey all, I am having issues with this as well. I am using 12.1, have the new interface enabled, updated the AdminApp\config.json file with what is shown below and then I saved changes to the user authentication for a full restart and yet it is still not updating the content blocks for pages. Any ideas? { "editorSettings": { "pasteCleanup": { "all": false, "css": true, "keepNewLines": false, "msAllFormatting": false, "msConvertLists": true, "msTags": true, "none": false, "span": true }, "resizable": { "content": true, "toolbar": true }, "serialization": { "semantic": true }, "immutables": true, "tools": [ { "name": "formatting", "items": [ { "text": "Paragraph", "value": "p" }, { "text": "Quotation", "value": "blockquote" }, { "text": "Heading 1", "value": "h1" }, { "text": "Heading 2", "value": "h2" }, { "text": "Heading 3", "value": "h3" }, { "text": "Heading 4", "value": "h4" }, { "text": "Heading 5", "value": "h5" }, { "text": "Heading 6", "value": "h6" }, { "text": "test1", "value": ".test1" } ] }, "bold", "italic", { "name": "insertUnorderedList", "tooltip": "Unordered list" }, { "name": "insertOrderedList", "tooltip": "Ordered list" }, "indent", "outdent", "createLink", { "name": "unlink", "tooltip": "Remove link" }, "insertImage", "embed", "justifyLeft", "justifyCenter", "justifyRight", "subscript", "superscript", "horizontalRule", "cleanFormatting", "html" ], "stylesheets": [ ] } }

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