[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Sitefinity 12.2 MVC- Add functionality to Kendo editor toolbar

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The AdminApp/config.json is the correct location to modify how the Kendo editor behaves. If you want to add some bootstrap buttons to the formatting dropdown the config file will end up looking like the one below. Keep in mind if you want the default options like H1-6 you they must be included in the JSON array items. Also notice this replaces the default "formatting" from the JSON structure. { "editorSettings": { "pasteCleanup": { "all": false, "css": true, "keepNewLines": false, "msAllFormatting": false, "msConvertLists": true, "msTags": true, "none": false, "span": true }, "resizable": { "content": true, "toolbar": true }, "serialization": { "semantic": true }, "immutables": true, "tools": [ { "name": "formatting", "items": [ { "text": "Heading 1", "value": "h1" }, { "text": "Heading 2", "value": "h2" }, { "text": "Heading 3", "value": "h3" }, { "text": "Heading 4", "value": "h4" }, { "text": "Heading 5", "value": "h5" }, { "text": "Heading 6", "value": "h6" }, { "text": "Button Primary", "value": ".btn btn-primary" }, { "text": "Button Success", "value": ".btn btn-success" } ] }, "bold", "italic", { "name": "insertUnorderedList", "tooltip": "Unordered list" }, { "name": "insertOrderedList", "tooltip": "Ordered list" }, "indent", "outdent", "createLink", { "name": "unlink", "tooltip": "Remove link" }, "insertImage", "embed", "createTable", "addRowAbove", "addRowBelow", "addColumnLeft", "addColumnRight", "deleteRow", "deleteColumn", "justifyLeft", "justifyCenter", "justifyRight", "subscript", "superscript", "horizontalRule", "tableWizard", "cleanFormatting", "html" ], "stylesheets": [ ] } }

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