[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: PASOE still makes mysterious distinction between RETURN ERROR CH-Error versus UNDO THRO

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Laura Stern

Now I'm confused. You're saying that the openclient gets back a ReturnValue even when you get error 14438 (not 14428)? That makes no sense to me. We do return an error. But I can't conceive of how you'd get a valid ReturnValue. I misspoke in an earlier post. If you do RETURN ERROR, we should not be logging any error to the AppServer log. We don't log ReturnValues, only error messages. So it will be "quiet" in that case, as you wish. But as far as I know there is no difference in how we handle a thrown AppError and any other kind of thrown error object if both are being thrown out of the AppServer. Based on what you said earlier, I suspect that you don't have the 14438 problem with AppErrors because you catch them and turn it into a RETURN ERROR yourself. So you are never attempting to throw one back to the client.

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