Multiple Validation Errors to be clocated from a single line


New Member
creating a xml dcoument from database thr' code in vb6.0 & validating it against xsd using msxml4.0
everything working fine
the xml file is formed from the code / the data i get during runitme
when i validate it it gives me the validation results but it seems that the entire xml doument is in one line though the xml document tags appears in diferent lines
as when i validate it for multiple error it gives me everytime line 1 but change in column no

i made the same file wth same data manually & validated it
in that i get the proper line no & column no
suppose the error is in line 10 i get line no 10 column no 5

but the file that is generated dynamically gives me error but taking the whole document as line 1
how do i redcity it so that i get the proper line no

Casper Moderator
Staff member
How do you create the XML? If you use sax-writer, does it help if you set the formatted atribute to true?



New Member
creating xml using msxml4.0 & just validating it using sax parser for getting multiple errors
i get all the validation errors correctly but just the location of the error i am not getting in my created xml as it takes the whole xml document as a single line though it appears in browser correctly
i tried using a caariage -return after each node in vb 6.0 but not fruitful
so either i need to add a carriage return somehow or need to use a style-sheet to highlight or change the color of the invalid data in the xml
need help as to wht & how to be done