How to validate user defined data format


New Member
I'm working on a system where users can define traits of files and those traits have characteristics called attributes.

The attribute master has fields: name, datatype and format.
The attribute detail is a specific instance of an attribute for a specific trait, it has fields including default value, high value and low value.

How do I validate that the data entered into the "value" fields conforms to the format entered into the character field "attribute format"?

Attribute format is a character field "x(24)". I want the value entered into that field to be the format that the data entered into the attribute detail, default, high and low value fields is supposed to be.

field:format = field:format doesn't work and neither does field:format = value(field:format) or field:format = value(field):format.

Any ideas? I've noticed that the data dictionary doesn't validate that the format matches the data type-- I wonder why?