Forum Post: Namespaces-prefixes in SOAP-headers

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Jens Dahlin

Still struggling (in vain so far) with WS-Security - haven't given up just yet. There seems to be some inconsistencies in how the namespace prefixes works in SOAP-headers. I need to create a header like this: MessageID xmlns="" 0c8791a0-36d8-f0eb-4024-3dc5be30ab88 /MessageID Action xmlns="" /Action To xmlns="" /To Security xmlns="" UsernameToken Id="UsernameToken-1" Username WSAITIBN /Username Nonce EncodingType="" bktxTTlDMU0= /Nonce Password Type="" feoLkQ2jFf9C5YAbt8p5znJ8lnk= /Password Created xmlns="" 2014-10-03T11:42:47:506Z /Created /UsernameToken /Security AMA_SecurityHostedUser xmlns="" UserID AgentDutyCode="SU" POS_Type="1" PseudoCityCode="STOS128RT" RequestorType="U"/ /AMA_SecurityHostedUser So there are five different header entries (MessageId, Action, To, Security and AMA_SecurityHostedUser) and three different namespaces (MessageId, Acrtion and To share the same). I try to create this header using one X-DOCUMENT with five children and then add those children to the soap-header. Saving the entire X-DOCUMENT gives me a correct XML-document without any namespace prefixes. This way I can also insert the "recommended but not mandatory" prefixes that exists for WS-Security (wsse for security, wsa for addressing etc). However: hijacking the actual call to the Webservice via Fiddler shows me what seems to be an erroneous XML-structure. All five header-tags have the same namespace-prefix (ns0) but different namespaces. Regardless if I create the headers like "prefix:name", "name" use NAMESPACE-PREFIX or not. I've played around with hNode:NAMESPACE-PREFIX = "prefix1". CREATE-NODE-NAMESPACE(hNode, cNS, "prefix1:node", "ELEMENT"). And so on but I get no real change. The only thing I can see is that CREATE-NODE (hNode, "node", "ELEMENT") gives me nodes without prefix and I can use those for child nodes to one of the five different header entries. Defining a header entry itself requires a namespace (otherwise error 11767 is thrown). This is what I end up with: SOAP-ENV:Header ns0 :MessageID xmlns :ns0 ="" 7ec5b5d8-4e9e-e550-19ac-50487bd89dba /ns0:MessageID ns0: Action xmlns :ns0 ="" / ns0: Action ns0 :To xmlns :ns0 ="" /n s0: To ns0: Security xmlns :ns0 ="" UsernameToken Id="UsernameToken-1" Nonce EncodingType="" eXRpem85aUg= /Nonce Password Type="" OEgv1O9GGoVWQoQ/7fUZvfn5Nqw= /Password Created 2014-10-01T08:52:54:291Z /Created /UsernameToken / ns0: Security etc Could this perhaps be this bug: A shortened example of how I create xml and the headers: DEFINE VARIABLE hAMA_SecurityHostedUser AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hTXT AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE ghSoapHeader AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hXDocument AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hRootNode AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hADDMessageID AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hSoapHeaderEntryRef1 AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hSoapHeaderEntryRef5 AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE hUSerId AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cNSAmaSec AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cNSAddressing AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cMessageID AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE cOfficeId AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO. /* Create xml-document and nodes as well as soap-headers */ CREATE X-DOCUMENT hXDocument. CREATE X-NODEREF hRootNode. CREATE X-NODEREF hADDMessageID. CREATE X-NODEREF hTxt. CREATE X-NODEREF hUSerId. CREATE X-NODEREF hAMA_SecurityHostedUser. CREATE SOAP-HEADER ghSoapHeader. CREATE SOAP-HEADER-ENTRYREF hSoapHeaderEntryRef1. CREATE SOAP-HEADER-ENTRYREF hSoapHeaderEntryRef5. /* Namespaces */ ASSIGN cNSAddressing = "" cNSAmaSec = "". /* Bogus data */ ASSIGN cMessageId = "ABC123" cOfficeID = "EFG456". hXDocument:CREATE-NODE(hRootNode, "root", "element"). hXDocument:INSERT-BEFORE(hRootNode, ?). /**** First header entry, namespace 1 ****/ ghSoapHeader:ADD-HEADER-ENTRY(hSoapHeaderEntryref1). hXDocument:CREATE-NODE-NAMESPACE(hADDMessageID, cNSAddressing, "MessageID", "ELEMENT"). hRootNode:APPEND-CHILD(hAddMessageID). hXDocument:CREATE-NODE(hTxt, "", "TEXT"). hTxt:NODE-VALUE = cMessageId. hADDMessageId:APPEND-CHILD(hTxt). hSoapHeaderEntryref1:SET-NODE(hADDMessageID). /**** Second header entry, namespace 2 ****/ ghSoapHeader:ADD-HEADER-ENTRY(hSoapHeaderEntryref5). hXDocument:CREATE-NODE-NAMESPACE(hAMA_SecurityHostedUser, cNSAMASec, "AMA_SecurityHostedUser", "ELEMENT"). hXDocument:CREATE-NODE(hUserID, "UserID", "ELEMENT"). hUserID:SET-ATTRIBUTE("AgentDutyCode", "SU"). hUserID:SET-ATTRIBUTE("RequestorType", "U"). hUserID:SET-ATTRIBUTE("PseudoCityCode", cOfficeId). hUserID:SET-ATTRIBUTE("POS_Type", "1"). hAMA_SecurityHostedUser:APPEND-CHILD(hUserID). hSoapHeaderEntryref5:SET-NODE(hAMA_SecurityHostedUser). hRootNode:APPEND-CHILD(hAMA_SecurityHostedUser). hXDocument:SAVE("file", "c:\temp\test_3.xml"). /* Delete this with output parameter "lDeleteOnDone" in real environment */ DELETE OBJECT ghSoapHeader. DELETE OBJECT hSoapHeaderEntryRef1. DELETE OBJECT hSoapHeaderEntryRef5. /* Clean up */ DELETE OBJECT hADDMessageID. DELETE OBJECT hUSerId. DELETE OBJECT hAMA_SecurityHostedUser. DELETE OBJECT hRootNode. DELETE OBJECT hXDocument. DELETE OBJECT hTxt.

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