Error 3170 Merant ODBC


New Member
I can read my table but when i'm trying to write something its gives me an error

[MERANT][ODBC PROGRESS driver][PROGRESS]4GL action 19 (F:\APPLDEV\TRIGGER\uomw.p:481) may not be executed by this image. (3170)

I'm using progress 8.3b with merant odbc DataDirect 4.0 ( Client-side )

My Database connection options are "-trig TriggerPath -ld LogicalName"

I know that the error occur because somes keywords in the trigger are not recognized by ESQL, but the trigger is good because its works on server-side.

Does something miss in "Database connection options" or in "OID/OIB connection options" or elsewhere to do any link to an ESQL definition??

Does somebody know something about that?