Borlan C Structures and Memory


New Member

I have a bit of code for DOS written in borland C 4.5. I was receiving a error message about having to many globals.

There did seem to be quite a lot so I moved them all into a structure which I then allocated memory to in the function.

I believed at the time that the structure wouldn't require memory until a variable of it's type had been defined (at which point a pointer to memory space using malloc could be enacted).

However I have found that I am now using more global memory than before. How is this possible?

Here is a rough idea of the code format:

in codea.h

struct descriptors{
type variable1;
type variable2;
type variable3;

in codea.c


struct descriptors *mem_descriptors_ptr;
struct descriptors desc_var;

mem_descriptors_ptr = (struct descriptors_struct *)malloc(sizeof(desc_var));

if (mem_descriptors_ptr == NULL)
error = set_error("Out Of Memory Loading 24CONF DESCRIPTORS- Fatal Error\n\r");

//calling a function sending structure
error = functiony(&desc_var);

functiony(struct descriptors *desc_var){

desc_var->variable1 = 1;


Can anyone see anything wrong with this?

Please help
