App server A-Z


New Member
I like to know all about app server A-Z, any documents
Available on it?. what is it architecture like and how do we deploy
and execute .r on it.

If anyone can quickly tell what is app server and why do we use, what
Is the benefit out of it.

any info. is appreciated.

:blush: K
In particular, read Chapters 2 and 3 of

OpenEdgeTM Getting Started:
Application and Integration Services

for a good overview.

Casper Moderator
Staff member
Well then I could try to tell you in short what an appserver is:

An Appserver is nothing more then a character client which runs on the server. You configure the Appserver with th eprogress explorer. If you configure the appserver to be statefree or stateless then you have a thin client. (1 appserver can handle many requests form different sessions). Because appserver runs on the server there is less network trafic and it's much faster then when the same program is run on the client. To use Appserver you're bussiness logic has to be seprated form the UI.



ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
I'd like to offer one two, or rather, to point you to a great, short and clear
article on the subject.

Especially, The role of an appserver in a distributed architecture and a brief
history of application architectures, in general not just in Progress.

It's not every day that I have good things to say about the Progress docs,
so it must be good.

BTW, Karan get to know PSDN it's a very interesting and useful resource.