syteline/progress program errors


can anyone help me with with where I might be able to start to fix a set of an errors I am getting when I try to save an item to the program I am working with. The set of errors I am getting are:

Start Work flow was not successful.

Error occured while accessing component property/method: FlowTemplatePath
Unable to get session. Verify that a valid session already exists.
Error code: 0x80020009 wf/flow-beg.p (5890).

Unable to set com-handle property. (5677)

Path may not be correct for WorkFlow Parameters.

Path is Public Folders\All Public Folders.

Flow Name may not be correct for WorkFlow.

Flow Name is Syteline Workflow Templates\Order Acknowledgement.

Please help


Since no one seems to want to help me could this set of errors be caused by not having an exchange server set up correctly? All I want to know if this could be a problem with not having an exchange server setup correctly or a problem with the code of the program.


New Member
Go to your Intranets form, the Workflow tab...

Look at at the Active Path field - it needs to the exact path in Exchange to the ActiveFlows or RunningFlows folder - whichever one you named it.

Mine is...:public Folders\All Public Folders\MAPICS\ActiveFlows

Have a look there and play around with it some.

If you are SURE the path is correct, then the problems is in:

M$ Exchange

Hope some of this helps...have fun!
