Need coding assistance


Active Member
Progress 10.2B0606
Linux and HP hardware
I am a DBA - not a developer...

I need to simulate a user connecting to a database with auditing enabled and then kill the session in less than half a second.

I can get the pid from _MyConnect and the pid field.
I am trying to use the UNIX or OS-COMMAND to send a kill -15 <pid> signal as soon as my session connects, but I'm having trouble getting the pid from my variable into the kill statement. If I hard code the pid in the kill statement it works, but my string manipulation isn't working right.

Can someone assist me with this ?

I have tried using a shell script to kill a process connecting to the database, but the kill doesn't come quite fast enough.

Rob Fitzpatrick Sponsor
I played with it a bit. How about:

find _myconnection.
os-command value( "kill -15 " + string( _myconnection._MyConn-Pid ) ).