Merant 3.60 32-bit Progress SQL92


New Member
I have a progress driver "Merant 3.60 32-bit Progress SQL92 V9.1D". Is it possible to connect to Progress V9.1B through it?

Thank You.


Well-Known Member
AFAIK, there was a lot going on behind the scenes on the SQL engine of the database between Progress versions 9.1b through 9.1d. So I think it will be possible, but I don't know how well it will work or perform. Your milage may vary.

HTH, RealHeavyDude.

tamhas Sponsor
The better solution would be to move both database and driver to at least 9.1E and, if SQL is important to you, you should go a lot farther than that.


New Member
Thank you very much for your quick reply.

When i am creating the DSN it is working fine. Our VB application is able to connect through it. But it is going to hang after a certain period of time.

Here is my startup script:
$DLC/bin/_mprosrv /data2/ebdata/lbbleba -H risc -S 1027 -N tcp -L 71680 -n 150 -c 450 -B 1024

Here is my DB log file:

06:05:48 BROKER 0: Multi-user session begin. (333)
06:05:50 BROKER 0: Started for 1027 using tcp, pid 631022. (5644)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: PROGRESS Version 9.1B on AIX. (4234)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Server started by root on batch. (4281)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Started using pid: -24338. (6574)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Physical Database Name (-db): /data2/ebdata/lbbleba. (4235)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Database Type (-dt): PROGRESS. (4236)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Force Access (-F): Not Enabled. (4237)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Direct I/O (-directio): Not Enabled. (4238)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Number of Database Buffers (-B): 1024. (4239)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Excess Shared Memory Size (-Mxs): 16428. (4240)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Current Size of Lock Table (-L): 71680. (4241)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Hash Table Entries (-hash): 317. (4242)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Current Spin Lock Tries (-spin): 0. (4243)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Number of Semaphore Sets (-semsets) 1. (6526)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Crash Recovery (-i): Enabled. (4244)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Database Blocksize (-blocksize): 8192. (6573)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Delay of Before-Image Flush (-Mf): 3. (4245)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Before-Image File I/O (-r -R): Reliable. (4247)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Before-Image Truncate Interval (-G): 60. (4249)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Before-Image Cluster Size: 524288. (4250)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Before-Image Block Size: 8192. (4251)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Number of Before-Image Buffers (-bibufs): 5. (4252)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: BI File Threshold size (-bithold): 0.0 Bytes. (9238)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: BI File Threshold Stall (-bistall): Disabled. (6552)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: After-Image Stall (-aistall): Not Enabled. (4254)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Number of After-Image Buffers (-aibufs): 5. (4256)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Storage object cache size (-omsize): 1024 (8527)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Maximum Number of Clients Per Server (-Ma): 37. (4257)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Maximum Number of Servers (-Mn): 5. (4258)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Minimum Clients Per Server (-Mi): 1. (4259)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Maximum Number of Users (-n): 151. (4260)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Host Name (-H): risc. (4261)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Service Name (-S): 1027. (4262)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Network Type (-N): tcp. (4263)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Character Set (-cpinternal): ISO8859-1. (4264)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Parameter File: Not Enabled. (4282)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Minimum Port for Auto Servers (-minport): 1025. (5648)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Maximum Port for Auto Servers (-maxport): 2000. (5649)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: This broker supports both 4GL and SQL server groups. (8865)
06:05:51 BROKER 0: Created shared memory with segment_id: 7 (9336)

10:54:00 BROKER 0: Shared Library Path set to LIBPATH=/data1/appln/pro91b/lib
10:54:00 SQLSRV2 1: SQL Server 9.1b started, configuration: "lbbleba.virtualconfig"
10:54:00 SQLSRV2 1: "/data2/ebdata/lbbleba" started on port 1025, pid 1085476 (0x00109024).

We have another Server for Test Environment. It is running through Progress V9.1D.

But this Progress driver(Merant 3.60 32-bit Progress SQL92) is working fine with it.

Thank You.