Find Data Collection Error Messages


New Member
Can someone tell me where to find the error messages for data collection. I am writting a report for Job Material Error Processing and want to have the error message description on the report. All I have is the number from the table dcjm. I have searched through the sys-text table with no luck. I have also tried digging through the source code for the standard Job Material Error Processing screen. All I can come up with is a variable by the name of t-err-msg. Not sure where or how it is being populated.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Dan Klomparens.


New Member
Answered my own question. I found another post that was similar to what I was looking for.

for each cbc.sys-code where sym-class begins "":

display sys-code.sym-code loc-desc[1] format "X(38)"

with stream-io.

