Best Manners to After Image



We have the following background:
6 Branches that sends the After Image by FTP to HQ and there (HQ) it is made Roll-Forward to each database into specific folder nominated as branch name.

But if Something wrong happens in the sequence (I mean Lost sequence) we must restore the last backup again...

That procedure it is the only way that we have to go on with the rfutil roll forward? Or Can we run something specific to compare 2 databases and generate the Incremental Data?

Thanks indeed,


Often the problem that you seem to be describing occurs due to an error in the FTP process which cause the transfer of an ai log to be skipped.

When a roll-forward fails because of a sequence number mismatch the .lg file message tells you what sequence was expected.

There is no penalty for providing an extent out of sequence -- your database can still accept roll forwards even after this error.

You just need to find the missing file and roll it forward. Your process will then continue as usual. There is no need to obtain a fresh backup and restore it.

This is very easy if you have cleverly named your archived extents using the ai sequence number.



Thanks indeed for your usual support.

How can I know the Sequence Number for the specific Current Full After Image with this command below:

rfutil db-name -C aimage extent list
rfutil db-name -C aimage extent full
rfutil db-name -C aimage new
rfutil db-name -C aimage extent empty

I mean the sequence its showed just when I make Roll Forward command. Has another way to know?

Kind Regards,


To obtain the ai sequence number of an extent:

SEQ=`rfutil ${DUMMY} -C aimage scan -a ${EXTENT} | grep number | tail -1 | awk '{print $6}'`

Where ${DUMMY} is any database with the same block size as the original database (I usually use the appropriate emptyX.db) and ${EXTENT} is the extent that you want to know the ai sequence number of.



In the version 9.1E02 does not show the Sequence Number??

Do you know something about?

Kind Regards,
Ricardo Olguin