Backup on Progresstalk ...


New Member
Hi guys,

Can you let me know on the actual methodology of copying a progress database across to a new server and a new folder. What i had been doing so far is to:

- Copy the Database files to a new server/new location
- proutil db-name -C runcate bi
- Edit the .st file
- prostrct repair dbname

(does nothing but just exits without any message - the log doesn't
seem to report anything)

This doesn't seem to work any more. If i say prostrct list <db-name> nothing seems to list ....

Progress version 7.3B and client version is 7.3E.


tamhas Sponsor
V7 :{ !

Are these the same platform in both cases? This kind of move only works on the same platform type.

Are you moving it around because the hardware is as old as the Progress version?