Question Who maintains the smtpmail.p code?


19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Who is currently maintaining the smtpmail.p code?

I've had make a small change to the version 5.8c of the smtpmail.p code to include a "Content-ID" header for file attachments/images.

I was finding that attached images where not being displayed when the body content was in an HTML format for some web-based email clients (MS Outlook Web App). The html code for image elements needed to reference a "cid" prefix for the src attribute. i.e. <img src="cid:`STRING(MD5-DIGEST(imagefile.png))`" alt="BlaBlaBla" />

If anyone is interested here is my added line of code at line 1254.

smtpcmd = smtpcmd + 'Content-ID: <' + STRING(MD5-DIGEST(cfile)) + '>' + crlf.
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19+ years progress programming and still learning.
Thanks for that, I kept ending up a I had to drop smtpmail.p anyway due to it's STL limitation and went back to the good old sendmail.