WebSpeed and Windows Registry


New Member
I am trying to set a value in the Windows Registry and WebSpeed is failing on the LOAD statement when I try to load then environment, LOAD "Software\Acrobat" BASE-KEY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" NO-ERROR. Then I go on and use it and set a key value. However, WebSpeed is putting the value in HKEY_USERS instead of where I specified. If I run the procedure in the editor on the WebSpeed server, it runs fine and puts the value in the appropriate place under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. It has to be in HKEY_CURRENT_USER for Acrobat to do what I need it to do. Any ideas about why WebSpeed is defaulting to HKEY_USERS?

Clay Riner


New Member
Keep in mind that WebSpeed is server-based. So you are trying to change the registry on the server not on the pc of the user.
Also it is not posible to change the user-account on a user-base. The webspeed broker and all its agents are running on the same user-account and you have to stop/start the broker to change it.