View-as Text chui problem in page-bottom


New Member
Hi everyone!

I'm trying to use the view-as text with the size keyword in a form in 9.1D7 Unix like this:

def frame last-footer
"Remarques :"
requis-achat.remarque view-as text size 115 by 5
"Ecrit par :"
x_usager.user-name no-label
"Autorisation:" at 58
"Date" at 121
"Recommande par:"
"___________________________________" at 17
"________________________________________" at 72
"Date" at 121
"________________________________________" at 72
"Date" at 121
"________________________________________" at 72
"Date" at 121
with no-labels page-bottom down width 132 no-box.

view frame last-footer.

but it only display the first 8 caracters.... why the size phrase as no effect ????

Does anyone have an idea ???



New Member
If the database field is formatted for only 8 characters, you will have to override that format for your frame display. Try adding a "format" phrase to your frame definition.

Ex: requis-achat.remarque view-as text size 115 by 5 format "x(30)"


New Member
here's the output.... it's not formatted the right way.... like you see.... there's no indentation for the next line of text like with the editor.

Remarques : Blabp opj wpj po k
seg erg serg
er gserg serg
se eg erg se

and by the way what's the point of putting the size phrase if you need the format phrase, with the editor you don't need to do that ????

and another thing the format phrase is limited to 320 characters ??????

thank's anyway for the info !!! appreciated !!!