Nazmus Sakib
I am going to write a API on progress site (ABL) but when i am going to compile it, i got the below error:
I expect the code will compile successfully in GUI procedure editor.
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** Incompatible data types in expression or assignment. (223)
** Could not understand line 77. (196)
and line 77 starts from here.
Assign AlertDetail.AlertId = Alert_Popups.AlertID
AlertDetail.AlertType = Alert_Popups.Alert_Type
AlertDetail.AlertUTCDateTime = if Alert_Client_Acknowledgement.AlertDateTime = ? then now else Alert_Client_Acknowledgement.AlertDateTime
AlertDetail.lTimeZone = lv_timeZoneDescription
AlertDetail.lTimeZoneoffset = lv_timeZoneOffset
AlertDetail.PropertyId = integer(Alert_Popups.propertyid)
AlertDetail.PropertyName = cPropertyname
AlertDetail.Alerts_id = RECID(Alert_Popups)
AlertDetail.AlertStatus = if Alert_Client_Acknowledgement.noack = "NoAck" then "AlertAcknowledged" else "AlertGenerated"
AlertDetail.Comment = Alert_Client_Acknowledgement.Acking_Text
AlertDetail.AlertAttribute = Alert_Desktop_Config_Details.Alert_attribute
AlertDetail.AlertDisplayString = ? /* to do: Initialize as a blob */
AlertDetail.AlertImageName = Alert_Desktop_Config_Details.Alert_Image_name
AlertDetail.AlertPriority = Alert_Desktop_Config_Details.Alert_priority
AlertDetail.AlertSoundName = Alert_Desktop_Config_Details.Alert_Sound_Name .
copy-lob from Alert_Desktop_Config_Details.Alert_verbiage to AlertDetail.AlertDisplayString.
copy-lob from AlertDetail.AlertDisplayString to ggDisplayString.
/* Replace variables with data */
run ReplaceVariablewithData(ggDisplayString, AlertDetail.AlertId, OUTPUT ggDisplayString).
copy-lob from ggDisplayString to AlertDetail.AlertDisplayString.
I expect the code will compile successfully in GUI procedure editor.
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