SOLUTION to Deploying Progress Apps that contain OCX's / DLL's

G. Briggs

New Member

I had posted a problem earlier regarding an application that contained OCX's and DLL's. When I would run the applcation in the Appbuilder it would run fine, however when I tried to run it in production I would get errors saying that the COM-Handle could not be referenced. The solution that I found dealt with where I had ASSIGNED the COM handles. If you assign them in the Main section in Appbuilder and then reference them in a Trigger, the app runs fine in Appbuilder but blows up in Production. By moving the COM handle assignments to the ON-ENTRY trigger of wWin, the problem was solved. I hope this tidbit of info helps.



P.S. Does anyone know why the Appbuilder would maintain the COM-handles and running standalone would not?