

I was hanging out in my user profile and noticed that I had 30 points of 'reputation'. I was trying to find a place where accrues reputation and didn't notice anything. There was a link to a thread that I'd replied to in the same screen, but no obvious reputation comments.
I was expecting something along the lines of Ebay's 'here is what other people have said about you' area, but didn't find that. Nor have a noticed a place where I can 'vote' for someone's answer to a question.
So, how do reputation points accrue?

Thanks, Mark



As you read through a thread you will see four icons at the bottom right of each post on the thread. One of these is to add to the reputation of the poster. (Hover your cusrsor over the icons for a description).

If you go to the reply you posted (as indicated) and click as if trying to add reputation to yourself you should see the comments made.

Hope this helps. :awink: