Redirecting Error Output

Hi All,

I have been asked to see if it is possible to redirect the error output for progress to either a DB table (best possible method) or a file. Is there an easier way to do this than the standard NO-ERROR, IF ERROR-STATUS:ERROR THEN.....?

There has to be a way that I can setup an output stream purely for catching progress errors?

I hope you can understand what I am after.

Thank you in advance,
It depends. Are you using a CHUI version of Progress? If so, then you can redirect stderr to go into a text file by using the redirection operators on the command line.

If you're using GUI then you could try just outputting them to a log file using the default stream. Any application message where you specify VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX will still show as alert boxes, but errors and warnings (if you have them enabled) should go into the file.

To accomplish this, you will need to ensure that no other procedure uses the default stream. Any that do will need to be modified so that they used named streams.
I am using GUI and we are using the default stream at the moment. Just my boss mentioned redirecting the error output, and since this is how we already do it, I thought there may be another way that he was looking for. As it is I am going to report exceptions to a db record, that can be browsed from within our application. The reason for this error logging is that they are Background tasks started with Procontrol.

Thanx for the help anyway mate,