Progress X Libre Office (calc)


New Member
Good afternoon.
It is possible to generate a file (Calc) of LibreOffice, through a progress program?
Someone would have an example.
It can be basic to use as reference.
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Yes this is possible, there are multiple options:
  1. generate a fods document - the simplicity of this, is that this is a single xml file so you do not require any zipping. LibreOffice will open it directly, for Apache OpenOffice you need to 'install' a filter
  2. generate an ods - this is the standard OpenDocument file which is a zipped file containing multiple xml files
  3. generate an xslx - this is the standard for Excel but also opens nicely with LibreOffice - this is a zipped file containing multiple xml files
Have implemented #1 and #3, cannot share any code, sorry.

Easiest way to get started (imho) is to save a very simple sheet and strip out anything that looks like default noise and then either use the sax-writer or nicely modelled prodatasets to create your xml.

Beware when zipping with .Net classes - there is a bug (solved in 4.6 or so) which creates zip files with backslashes instead of forward slashes.


Even simpler, you can generate a .csv and any worksheet program will open it.

Or, more complicated but really nice (I heard), use DocxFactory of Alon Blich. Find it en the oehive.