PROGRESS is NOT SQL-92 compatible

Adam Kucharski

New Member
Big error: :mad:
MFG/PRO on Linux
SQL Explorer:
select ac_code,
SUM(case when acd_year < 2006 then acd_amt else 0.0000001 end)
from .....

rounds to INTEGER,

but when

select ac_code,
from .....

result is good (NUMERIC (25,10))

Any ASAP help from PROGRESS support Team ??



ProgressTalk Moderator
Staff member
most of us here aren't heavy sql users (but theres always the exception).

as far as forums go you might want to ask the grown ups @peg, though its
mostly a private club house nowadays

the forums at the new psdn are also worth a look into. i think, some of the
guys, product managers, execs etc. are participating to help get it off the ground

you could also call up support and make them earn that annual support fee,
well, if you have it.

i like doing things on my own (the hard way) the first places i look to are the
docs and knowledge base (you can find them @psdn).

you didn't mention a version, sql92 had a rocky start when it first cameout in v9.

you could download test drive and tryout the latest 10.1a release (again, psdn).
actually i'm really interested for opinions on openedge sql.