[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: .w Code Crashing Since Move...

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Mark Welsh

Hi guys, Thanks...yes, typo, 11.3 The protrace is here: I have to admit it doesn't mean a lot to me. ===================================================== PROGRESS stack trace as of Fri Jan 29 13:32:40 2016 ===================================================== Progress OpenEdge Release 11.3 build 1333 SP02 TF02 on WINNT Startup parameters: -pf c:\progress\openedge\startup.pf,-cpinternal ISO8859-1,-cpstream ISO8859-1,-cpcoll Basic,-cpcase Basic,-d dmy,-numsep 44,-numdec 46,(end .pf),-pf k:\code\CSSAPP\env\live\live.pf,-db IH,-N tcp,-H,-S 16002,-trig trig,-d dmy,-T x:\,-h 10,-rereadnolock,-yy 1930,-rand 2,-Bt 2000,-mmax 16384,-D 500,-TB 31,-TM 32,-l 500,-s 500,-q,-Mm 4096,-IOEverywhere 1,-assemblies \\\code\cssapp\live\ihlive\assemblies,-noincrwarn,(end .pf),-p wvCallPW.r,-Mm 4096,-yy 1990,-ininame k:\code\CSSAPP\env\live\livesys.ini,-d dmy Exception code: C00000FD STACK_OVERFLOW Fault address: 755A15E7 01:000015E7 C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll Registers: EAX:8990A9C2 EBX:037D1D20 ECX:0376FEA0 EDX:05128A90 ESI:0376FEA0 EDI:0376FEB0 CS:EIP:0023:755A15E7 SS:ESP:002B:00273000 EBP:00273028 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010282 As for the code James, no there's nothing special in it at all other than a parameter that is being passed. &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _VERSION-NUMBER AB_v10r12 GUI ADM2 &ANALYZE-RESUME &Scoped-define WINDOW-NAME wWin &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CUSTOM _DEFINITIONS wWin /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ File: Description: from cntnrwin.w - ADM SmartWindow Template Input Parameters: Output Parameters: History: New V9 Version - January 15, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This .W file was created with the Progress AB. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Create an unnamed pool to store all the widgets created by this procedure. This is a good default which assures that this procedure's triggers and internal procedures will execute in this procedure's storage, and that proper cleanup will occur on deletion of the procedure. */ CREATE WIDGET-POOL. /* *************************** Definitions ************************** */ /* Parameters Definitions --- */ /* Local Variable Definitions --- */ def INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETER lv-user1 as CHARACTER. /* {sysvars.si} */ /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-PREPROCESSOR-BLOCK /* ******************** Preprocessor Definitions ******************** */ &Scoped-define PROCEDURE-TYPE SmartWindow &Scoped-define DB-AWARE no &Scoped-define ADM-CONTAINER WINDOW &Scoped-define ADM-SUPPORTED-LINKS Data-Target,Data-Source,Page-Target,Update-Source,Update-Target,Filter-target,Filter-Source /* Name of designated FRAME-NAME and/or first browse and/or first query */ &Scoped-define FRAME-NAME fMain /* Standard List Definitions */ &Scoped-Define ENABLED-OBJECTS IMAGE-8 user_id B-OK &Scoped-Define DISPLAYED-OBJECTS user_id /* Custom List Definitions */ /* List-1,List-2,List-3,List-4,List-5,List-6 */ /* _UIB-PREPROCESSOR-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* *********************** Control Definitions ********************** */ /* Define the widget handle for the window */ DEFINE VAR wWin AS WIDGET-HANDLE NO-UNDO. /* Definitions of the field level widgets */ DEFINE BUTTON B-OK AUTO-GO DEFAULT LABEL "OK" SIZE 7 BY .86 BGCOLOR 15 . DEFINE VARIABLE user_id AS CHARACTER FORMAT "X(10)":U LABEL "Userid" VIEW-AS FILL-IN SIZE 14 BY 1 BGCOLOR 15 FGCOLOR 0 NO-UNDO. DEFINE IMAGE IMAGE-8 FILENAME "//xxxxx/code/logo/xxxjpg":U SIZE 19 BY 4.24. /* ************************ Frame Definitions *********************** */ DEFINE FRAME fMain user_id AT ROW 3.52 COL 8 COLON-ALIGNED B-OK AT ROW 3.52 COL 25 " Name" VIEW-AS TEXT SIZE 7 BY 1 AT ROW 3.52 COL 3 WIDGET-ID 12 FGCOLOR 0 "DCC Open Revenues TEST" VIEW-AS TEXT SIZE 8 BY .67 AT ROW 1.52 COL 11 WIDGET-ID 14 "Text 4" VIEW-AS TEXT SIZE 8 BY .67 AT ROW 1.76 COL 15 WIDGET-ID 16 "TesT" VIEW-AS TEXT SIZE 31 BY 1.52 AT ROW 1.52 COL 14 WIDGET-ID 18 " xxxxxxxxxxxxx" VIEW-AS TEXT SIZE 38 BY 1 AT ROW 1.52 COL 17 WIDGET-ID 20 FGCOLOR 1 IMAGE-8 AT ROW 3 COL 46 WIDGET-ID 24 WITH 1 DOWN KEEP-TAB-ORDER OVERLAY SIDE-LABELS NO-UNDERLINE THREE-D AT COL 1 ROW 1 SIZE 68.29 BY 6.83 BGCOLOR 15 FGCOLOR 15 DEFAULT-BUTTON B-OK. /* *********************** Procedure Settings ************************ */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _PROCEDURE-SETTINGS /* Settings for THIS-PROCEDURE Type: SmartWindow Allow: Basic,Browse,DB-Fields,Query,Smart,Window Container Links: Data-Target,Data-Source,Page-Target,Update-Source,Update-Target,Filter-target,Filter-Source */ &ANALYZE-RESUME _END-PROCEDURE-SETTINGS /* ************************* Create Window ************************** */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _CREATE-WINDOW IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U THEN CREATE WINDOW wWin ASSIGN HIDDEN = YES TITLE = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" HEIGHT = 6.81 WIDTH = 68.2 MAX-HEIGHT = 40.67 MAX-WIDTH = 182.8 VIRTUAL-HEIGHT = 40.67 VIRTUAL-WIDTH = 182.8 RESIZE = no SCROLL-BARS = no STATUS-AREA = no BGCOLOR = ? FGCOLOR = ? THREE-D = yes MESSAGE-AREA = no SENSITIVE = yes. ELSE {&WINDOW-NAME} = CURRENT-WINDOW. /* END WINDOW DEFINITION */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CUSTOM _INCLUDED-LIB wWin /* ************************* Included-Libraries *********************** */ {src/adm2/containr.i} /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* *********** Runtime Attributes and AppBuilder Settings *********** */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _RUN-TIME-ATTRIBUTES /* SETTINGS FOR WINDOW wWin VISIBLE,,RUN-PERSISTENT */ /* SETTINGS FOR FRAME fMain FRAME-NAME */ IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U AND VALID-HANDLE(wWin) THEN wWin:HIDDEN = yes. /* _RUN-TIME-ATTRIBUTES-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* ************************ Control Triggers ************************ */ &Scoped-define SELF-NAME wWin &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL wWin wWin ON END-ERROR OF wWin /* xxxxxxxx */ OR ENDKEY OF {&WINDOW-NAME} ANYWHERE DO: /* This case occurs when the user presses the "Esc" key. In a persistently run window, just ignore this. If we did not, the application would exit. */ IF THIS-PROCEDURE:pERSISTENT THEN RETURN NO-APPLY. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL wWin wWin ON WINDOW-CLOSE OF wWin /* xxxxxxx */ DO: /* This ADM code must be left here in order for the SmartWindow and its descendents to terminate properly on exit. */ APPLY "CLOSE":U TO THIS-PROCEDURE. RETURN NO-APPLY. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &Scoped-define SELF-NAME B-OK &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CONTROL B-OK wWin ON CHOOSE OF B-OK IN FRAME fMain /* OK */ DO: lv-user1 = USER_id:screen-value. apply "window-close" to {&window-name}. END. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &UNDEFINE SELF-NAME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _CUSTOM _MAIN-BLOCK wWin /* *************************** Main Block *************************** */ /* Include custom Main Block code for SmartWindows. */ {src/adm2/windowmn.i} /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME /* ********************** Internal Procedures *********************** */ &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE adm-create-objects wWin _ADM-CREATE-OBJECTS PROCEDURE adm-create-objects : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Create handles for all SmartObjects used in this procedure. After SmartObjects are initialized, then SmartLinks are added. Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE disable_UI wWin _DEFAULT-DISABLE PROCEDURE disable_UI : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: DISABLE the User Interface Parameters: Notes: Here we clean-up the user-interface by deleting dynamic widgets we have created and/or hide frames. This procedure is usually called when we are ready to "clean-up" after running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Delete the WINDOW we created */ IF SESSION:DISPLAY-TYPE = "GUI":U AND VALID-HANDLE(wWin) THEN DELETE WIDGET wWin. IF THIS-PROCEDURE:pERSISTENT THEN DELETE PROCEDURE THIS-PROCEDURE. END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE enable_UI wWin _DEFAULT-ENABLE PROCEDURE enable_UI : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: ENABLE the User Interface Parameters: Notes: Here we display/view/enable the widgets in the user-interface. In addition, OPEN all queries associated with each FRAME and BROWSE. These statements here are based on the "Other Settings" section of the widget Property Sheets. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DISPLAY user_id WITH FRAME fMain IN WINDOW wWin. ENABLE IMAGE-8 user_id B-OK WITH FRAME fMain IN WINDOW wWin. {&OPEN-BROWSERS-IN-QUERY-fMain} VIEW wWin. END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME &ANALYZE-SUSPEND _UIB-CODE-BLOCK _PROCEDURE exitObject wWin PROCEDURE exitObject : /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: Window-specific override of this procedure which destroys its contents and itself. Notes: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ APPLY "CLOSE":U TO THIS-PROCEDURE. RETURN. END PROCEDURE. /* _UIB-CODE-BLOCK-END */ &ANALYZE-RESUME I'm unable to step through as it crashes upon call. Any ideas? Thanks

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