[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Re: Vst _areastatus Very Slow Access

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George Potemkin

Change the order of the tables: FOR EACH _Areastatus NO-LOCK: FIND _Area WHERE _Area._Area-number = _Areastatus-Areanum no-lock. END. _Area VST has an index on the _Area-number field. _Areastatus does not have an index on the _Areastatus-Areanum field and your FIND (especially without FIRST) does a full table scan. Also _Areastatus reads the ACO (Area Control Object) blocks and Progress uses LRU latch to access them. Check if you have a bottleneck on the LRU latch. I would suggest to put all ACO blocks into dynamically allocated alternate buffer pool.

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