[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Problems with running assemblies (Ionic.Zip or SharpZipLib) - 10.2b

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Can you write a quick console program in C# itself that makes use of the assemblies, and attempts the same operation? It isn't necessarily an ABL problem and you might be able to determine whether that is the case or not . Can you enable 4GLTrace logging and see where the problem starts? I'd also suggest capturing as much of the stack trace as possible (via -errorstack documentation.progress.com/.../index.html ) Sometimes the location of the error in the callstack is the biggest clue to the root cause. Ideally you would have both the ABL stack and the .Net stack. As I said earlier, this isn't necessarily an ABL or OpenEdge problem. Your error appears like a pretty basic security permissions issue. Can you run procmon (sysinternals) as administrator on the QA system and see what it says at the moment when the File I/O is attempted? The security context of your QA system may be different in some subtle way.

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