[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Double jeopardy when a NO-UNDO temp table violates a uniqueness constraint

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>> what else would you do with the bad record? I really don't mind doing cleanup work, but I was looking for a higher-level cleanup operation (CLEAR/EMPTY/UNBIND). It seems odd if the required cleanup involves deleting the default buffer from a separate scope or from an entirely different program. What I am really after is some sort of a "generalized" convention or rule whereby I will start remembering to CLEAR/EMPTY/UNBIND all the static TT/DS data in all of my CATCH blocks, especially when they are no longer relevant in light of the error. Given the feedback, I think the best option is to validate the buffer explicitly and react to errors with a local CATCH. Or else I can write the additional logic to check for a duplicate before the record is even added (and throw my own customized error at that point).

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