[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum Post: RE: Class (full) name (path). Once deployed on PASOE instance... how PROPATH should be conf

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Sure thing. Thanks. This is a code that works on a isolated client (gui.bat = G:\Progress\OpenEdge\bin\prowin.exe) // propath defined for this procedure: f:\oetap\sch (so it's on f:\oetap\sch\procs\ven\AppS\pedidostransp.cls) USING procs.ven.AppS.pedidostransp. {procs\ven\inc\ttPedidoTransp.i} DEFINE VARIABLE myP AS procs.ven.AppS.pedidostransp NO-UNDO. myp = NEW pedidostransp(). myP:GetPedidos(OUTPUT TABLE ttPedidos). FOR EACH ttPedidos: DISPLAY ttPedidos. END. (it also compiles/works with DEFINE VARIABLE myP AS pedidostransp NO-UNDO. ) on PASOE, there is [AppServer.Agent.transport] numInitialSessions=2 PROPATH=g:\inst\transport\openedge,${DLC}/tty,${DLC}/tty/netlib/OpenEdge.Net.pl,g:\inst\transport\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\openedge\tap,g:\inst\transport\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\openedge\sch and .r is located on : ..... That was it.... thanks!!!! (there were no .r file on procs/ven/apps/ folder) Note for future me: Object position on the folder tree, should be relative to class definition. if class says x.y.z.class the .r file, should be on x/y/z folder on server (relative to propath). Thanks A lot

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