[progress Communities] [progress Openedge Abl] Forum Post: Link Lookup And Opening A Record...

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Hello, I have two fields fieldA and fieldB that are both lookups. fieldB is link lookup on fieldA. Both fields are rendered as Selectors on Edit page. Now I am making them readonly (on the Edit page), this way : $("#" + integrationName + "_taglist").parent('div').find("input").attr('style','width: 25px;display: none;'); $('#'+ integrationName + '_taglist' + " > input").attr('style','width: 25px;display: none;'); $("#rbi_F_" + integrationName).find('button').remove(); var listItems = $("#rbi_F_" + integrationName + " > div > div > ul").children('li'); for(var i=0; i div").attr('style', 'border-width:0px;'); $("#rbi_F_" + integrationName + " > div > div").attr('style', 'border:none; box-shadow:none;'); rbf_getFieldContext(integrationName).getKendoConfig().readonly(true); Basically doing a kendo readonly, and removing the magnifying glass of the selector and the cross from the field All this is working fine. Now, when we click on the fieldA, it opens the record in a popup. But when we click on fieldB, it deosnt. When I remove the link lookup between fieldA and fieldB, then clicking on fieldB opens a popup. So I assume that making it a link lookup is what causes the issue. Could that be a bug? Thank you Meryem

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