Progress 9.1D and WIN 2003 Server


Are there any problem with Progress 9.1d enterprise and WIN 2003 Server?

I saw a customer using it, their clients work well, but i don't know if can be a problem.

Thanks a Lot.


The only problem is that 9.1D is ancient and unsupported. The only 9.1 version that is still supported is 9.1E but that is also ancient.


New Member
Sorry to rehash this thread but Progress 9.1D SP9 works on Windows 2003 server with no issue, I have 5 machines serving up 70 databases doing so.


Actually there are issues. 9.1D is ancient, obsolete and unsupported. Should you have the misfortune to run into a bug you will be out of luck. If you are running a business on 9.1D you are using unpatched software that is more than 10 years old. Just curious but how long has it been since your Windows OS was patched?

Major 9.1D issues that spring to mind include the infamous "workgroup performance gets significantly worse in the presence of multiple cores" bug, some fairly serious after imaging bugs, poor performance of 4GL string operations and some rather unhappy consequences to running with private buffers in use.

9.1E was released for a reason. So were the many service packs to both 9.1D and 9.1E. To say nothing of OE10.

Sure, 9.1D "works". So does Windows 95.