procopy (unable to extend.....)


New Member
Hi all. in using the procopy command to copy a database I get the following errors:

bkioWrite: |seek error 22 on file 5 at -2147483648, file /var/devel/pilot/pilot.db (6081)

unable to extend /var/devel/pilot/pilot enough to proceed.

I am copying our production database to a pilot (test) database. I have done this a hundred times all successful until now. We are on a Dec Unix platform. Is there a file size limit somewhere. I say that because the size of the pilot DB is 2147483648 afte the procopy bombs out. The same number in the above error.

Any help would be appreciated.


Chris Kelleher

Staff member
Yes your database can not exceed 2GB in size without using multi-volume extents. Create an empty MV database and you'll then be able to copy your production database into it.