procopy performance question


New Member
I've encountered the following :

PROGRESS PATCH Version 9.1B19 as of May 23, 2001
WARNING: Before-image file of database ..\data191001\LISAL is not truncated. (1552)

Formatting extents:
size area name path name
8 Primary Recovery Area D:\appl\data\LISA.b1 00:00:00
128000 Schema Area D:\appl\data\LISA.d1 00:00:13
128000 Schema Area D:\appl\data\LISA.d2 00:05:11
8 Schema Area D:\appl\data\LISA.d3 00:00:01

Does anyone have an idea why the second extent takes more than 5 minutes to format where the first only needed 13 seconds.
I was the only user on the system at that time.