PROBKUP en PROREST in a procedure??


help me please...

i used this code in proenv..

probkup online /path/to/db/<dbname> path/to/backup/<backupname>


prorest /path/to/db/<dbname> path/to/backup/<backupname>

my problem is..
how do i apply that code in gui? in a procedure?..
i will put that code in a button..

can u give me a sample code?
tnx in advance...


New Member
Hi seductive,
i´ve used the OS-COMMAND in this way.

OS-COMMAND VALUE("PROBKUP online ~"" + cDB + "~" ~"" + cBackup + "~" -com").

It works great. If it doesn´t work you should check your pathes.
I hope you can fix your problem.


New Member
No Problem.
If you have spaces in your path like "C:\Own Datas\..", you need to put your command into quotes. With ~ you put a quote in your statement.

You can see the result using the MESSAGE statement.

With Quotes:
MESSAGE "PROBKUP online ~"" cDB "~" ~"" cBackup "~" -com").
Without Quotes:
MESSAGE "PROBKUP online " cDB " " cBackup " -com").