Paramatize as Varaible


Hi Talkers,
Heres my situation.
I have a smartwindow with a radio set on.
I have 3 SmartBrowse and 3 SmartViewers and 3 SmartPanels.
I want to be able to select the radio-set and change the instance of the browse,viewer and panel.
I have come across the paramatize as variable command but can not get it to work, does anyone have any experience of using this? Will it do what I want? I cant seem to find any examples or help on this command.
In my objects I selected the paramatize as variable option and entered a variable obj-file, I then set obj-file to be the filename of the new object and run adm-create-objects but this didnt work.
Any ideas?

M Powell

Progress v8.3 Windows NT/98