Output to eMail Font Substitution


New Member
I am using version 8.2C on HP-UX B.10.20 A (I understand a few updates are in order, nevertheless)

The most effective delivery method I have for getting report output from cron procedures to the end user is eMail. My company uses MS Outlook for eMail. I can get the report to them through mailx, however, most users have Outlook setup using Arial (or such) as their default font. This disturbs the columnar appearance of the report.


Does anyone know how to embed the a font selection (say courier) in the header of a character based report so that the user doesn't have to modify anything upon open?


Hi there Book,

Does the Outlook client understand HTML? If so, a way that I have got round a similar problem in the past where I want to display a report in a browser is to put:


At the top of the report and:


At the bottom of the report.

This tells the browser (or in this case outlook) that the text between the PRE tags is preformatted.

This might cure your problem. It should also choose a terminal type font (like courier).

