ouch, AdminServer, I cannot connect


OK so I tried to use the OE explorer, it failed to let me login, I used the creator database UID (root) and PW still wouldn't let me in to the Admin Server. Does the Admin Server have a name? Does the proadsv need to be running (I assume yes)? I didn't get to set up this environment so how can I find out if 'OpenEdge Explorer' was added or does it not need to be on the database server? How do I find out if the AdminServer is running. I do have OEE on my PC but the creator (root) UID and PW did not let me into the server. Do I need something other than "proadsv -start" to start the AdminServer?

Thanks ...


Well-Known Member
First of all, the Admin Server and the Database are two completely different things. The Admin Server is a management process. You can manage databases with it but you don't need to. It is very important to understand that the Admin Server's security settings may prevent you to login. During installation of the product you get asked whether you want to enable group checking or not. That means that, if enabled, only accounts that belong to the user groups on the system where the Admin Server is running will be allowed to log in.

You might want to read this knowledge base article to shed some light on your issue:

In order to use the Admin Server to manage databases it must run on the machine where the databases are running. The OE Explorer is just a tool that provides you with a view to the Admin Server which allows you to administer it. It can run on any machine.

Heavy Regards, RealHeavyDude.