Question OE Developer Studio - How to surround with do-end?


Hi guys, does anyone here know how to surround a block of code with a DO - END in OE developer studio(i am using 11.2). I can see options to surround with try.... catch block. Or, is there an option to automatically give an END whenever I type DO:??

tamhas Sponsor
Easy to do a macro that creates a do-end block to fill in and easy to create the do alone and the end alone, but not easy to put a do end around an existing block, if that is what you are asking. But, which said, doesn't seem like a big worksaver either.

Cringer Moderator
Staff member
I just needed a END in the next line whenever I type DO:
The only option you have at the moment is to use macros.
Window > Preferences > Progress OpendEdge > Editor > Templates (macros)
I've just created one named DO:,
Seems to work ok if you type DO: followed by a space.